The Pros And Cons Of Atomic Bombing

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More and more of our U.S. troops dead. American families suffering due to the fact that they have to let their husbands, sons, and possibly even grandsons go to war, while a brainwashed Japanese troop is willing to kill himself to serve his emperor. Even as an Asian American I find this revolting.
During World War II, two atomic bombs were dropped in Japan. Little Boy was first dropped in the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and Fat Man dropped in the city of Nagasaki three days later. Without the help of these bombs World War II would not have ceased, and more U.S. and Japanese troops would have died. Many may argue that the drop was unnecessary, inhumane, and unfair. However, is war not unnecessary, inhumane, and unfair?
Nevertheless, the drop was necessary. When the Russians declared war, Japanese defenders still had no signs of surrendering. It was not until two days after the first bomb was dropped that Emperor Hirohito began to express worry. On August ninth the cabinet convened once again and most of the prime ministers agreed on surrendering, but a “unanimous decision was required and three of the military chiefs still refused to admit …show more content…

On Sunday of December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was bombed. Two thousand four hundred and three American defenders killed and 1,178 wounded. The attack was planned and U.S. forces were left unaware. If the Japanese forces had an atomic bomb, they would have not hesitated to use it against us. Returning to the subject, the Japanese were given a fair warning. “President Truman and the Allies issued a final ultimatum to Japan, known as the Potsdam Declaration” (Barnes). U.S. warplanes dropped about 63 million leaflets in 35 cities that were a potential target. The leaflets contain information about the bombs and urge Japan to honorably surrender. Some of the latter ones urged the people to evacuate. In the end, while being fully aware of the bombs they chose not to

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