Debating Morality: The Controversy of Legalized Abortion

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When human life becomes an option, that is when morality kicks in and the debates start. Human life is optional when abortion is in the scene, which is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. In 1973, abortion became legal in the United States, with each state having their specific guidelines to go along with it. Most states have restrictions on the time frame in which the termination can take place, normally between the first 6-28 weeks, while some have no time restrictions (Abortion Restrictions in States). Although this procedure is legalized, it is by no means close to being socially acceptable. Abortion is one of the most sensitive and controversial issues in today’s world because all lives are meant to be valued; when a …show more content…

Healthcare comes at a costly price, and many citizens in the US find themselves barely scraping by on their low-income earnings. So, they can’t always afford the necessary insurance to keep themselves and their families healthy. To help the underprivileged, “Planned Parenthood participates in a [federally] funding program called Title X… [This allows them to supply women] birth control, gynecological care, and other reproductive health services for women who cannot pay full price for health care services” (About Our Fees: Central and Western NY). This program does not pay for abortion, so in turn, abortion is their main revenue generator. Planned Parenthood is not just for women, though. They provide sexual and reproductive health care, education, information, and outreach to more than 5 million women, men, and adolescents worldwide each year. Getting the information out has two basic goals: 1. To let those who are underprivileged know there are options for them and 2. To lessen the need for these services, such as abortions and STD care, by educating those on the prevention of such necessities. Planned Parenthood does not just do this on their own; they correspond with many other affiliates to provide these educational programs and outreach to adolescents and …show more content…

It is important to realize they do not just focus on abortions, but the health of Americans. If they somehow get shutdown, many people will not be getting the help they need. The services Planned Parenthood offers are fundamental to the health of their patients who cannot afford to go anywhere else; taking them away will lead to a further decline in health of the underprivileged. Some may argue it is the fault of the underprivileged for not being able to support themselves healthcare wise, but there are not always jobs open everywhere. Without a well paying job, it is impossible to have a decent home, food supply, health coverage, and transportation, leading to the inability to take care of themselves and anyone dependent upon

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