The Process Of Ectogenesis

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Ectogenesis appears to be a work of fiction and fantasy. The process of ectogenesis, or embryos developing into babies outside of a human and by a apparatus, has been tested and could eventually turn into a universal reality. Artificial wombs can be used to save mothers from the stress of being pregnant as well as keeping them and the child from any complications that may arise in natural childbirth. Nonetheless, ectogenesis is a process that could lead to overpopulation and taking away the human bonding and involvement with carrying a child. Consequently, the government should regulate this technology and limit it only to those in which pregnancy is either life threatening or impossible. The process of ectogenesis can be traced back to the first test tube baby or “in vitro fertilization” (IVF). Experiments started by Dr. Helen Hung-Ching Liu, the actual formation of an artificial womb to see if it could be created and still theoretically be life-sustainable. The next experiment was by Dr. Yoshinori Kuwabara, who went as far to …show more content…

Ectogenesis seemingly has the least amount of soul in it. The time that a woman is pregnant is a sacred time that should be celebrated by one and all. In the nine months, the woman has nurtured the baby inside her is important in which a bond that is inexplicable is formed between mother and child. Just wanting to skip this process because it is inconvenient takes the heart and human connection out of the importance of pregnancy.
The future of ectogenesis falls solely on the shoulders of the government. The side effects that come with the development of the artificial womb can lessen if the government were to put limitations on when and what the purpose of ectogenesis. Artificial wombs should be made available only to those for whom pregnancy is just impossible. The government could create a process to regulate the usage of artificial wombs and have it established only on a basis of need rather than want or

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