Technology's Impact on Relationships and Social Skills

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Imagine what technology will do to relationships and social skills in just twenty years; if just now when you see families, friends and couple texting, on social media and talking on their phones and out of nowhere their phones run out of battery they make it seem like the world has just come to an end and they seem not to function properly like if there mind would only work when their phone is working. Now how frightening is that like when Albert Einstein said “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction the world will have a generation of idiots”. Today’s generation is misses everything that is happening around them because they can’t seem to stop staring at their phones. Technology offers a way to communicate effectively so that every member of a family can keep in touch. From text messaging facebook and emails, communication has never been easier. However there are times when …show more content…

Now you’re probably more likely to email them, go on facebook and send a text message. Now the use of social networking sites has both positive and negative consequences. It is amazing how someone can find a long lost friend through a social network site, letting them to reconnect in society where people have become quite mobile and family and friends are often separated it is convenient to keep in touch through technology. But technology is teaching this generation a different term of friends because they value friendships in terms of numbers rather than depth; they thing that making a friend is just by a click of a mouse and not by talking and actually getting to know them. When you look at how technology has changed the definition and meaning of friendships to children, you 'll notice several things that place online friendships in a different sphere than face-to-face

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