The Philippines And The Population Of The Philippines

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The Philippines

The Philippines population is made up of over 100 million people, which makes it the twelfth most populated country in the world. The Philippines has a two percent growth rate increase each year, which makes it one of the fastest growing countries in the world.

Filipino people have over 120 to 175 different languages that are spoken in the 7000 small islands that make up the Philippines. Out of the 175 languages that are spoken in the Philippine’s, there are eight major core languages and only two are actually taught. English and Tagalog are the two languages that are taught in schools. Different parts of the Philippines are taught different languages. There language has a great complex history. It 's …show more content…

It is said that the father of the family is the bread winner, and the decision maker, while the mother is the homemaker. The mother is responsible for the family’s domestic needs, emotional growth, and the value formation of the children. While both parents have separate roles they are regarded differently by their children. They see their mother as soft and calm, but refer to their father as the strong and superior figure of the family. Children fighting back and addressing parents or elder siblings with an arrogant tone are not at all tolerated. Also, children are not allowed to leave the house without their parents’ permission. Upon arriving home, conservative families expect certain greetings from their children. The practice of kissing hands and placing a hand to their foreheads while speaking the words “mano po,” is a formal greeting. Filipinos are a close knit family, and some children stay with their parents and grandparents their whole life. Almost always the children live at home until they either get married, or go off to college. It is traditional for at least one family member to stay home and look after the elderly. © …show more content…

More than 86 percent of the population is Roman Catholic, 6 percent belong to various nationalized Christian cults, and another 2 percent belong to well over 100 Protestant denominations. In addition to the Christian majority, there is a vigorous 4 percent Muslim minority, concentrated on the southern islands of Mindanao, Sulu, and Palawan. Scattered in isolated mountainous regions, the remaining 2 percent follow non-Western, indigenous beliefs and practices. The Chinese minority, although statistically insignificant, have been culturally influential in coloring Filipino Catholicism with many of the beliefs and practices of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism. The pre-Hispanic belief system of Filipinos consisted of a pantheon of gods, spirits, creatures, and men that guarded the streams, fields, trees, mountains, forests, and houses. Bathala, who created earth and man, was superior to these other gods and spirits. Regular sacrifices and prayers were offered to placate these deities and spirits--some of which were benevolent, and some malevolent. Wood and metal images represented ancestral spirits, and no distinction was made between the spirits or their physical symbol. Reward or punishment after death was dependent upon behavior in this life. ©2016 Asia

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