Religions Of Religion And Religion In Puerto Rico

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In Puerto Rico, the majority of the population, about two-thirds of the inhabitants, are Roman Catholic. This dates back to when the there were Spanish colonies present during the 15th century who were Catholic. Although Catholics hold the majority, Protestants account for one-fourth of the population. Protestants date back to 1898 when missionaries came from the United States to Puerto Rico. Even though Catholics and Protestants hold the majority of the population, the Constitution guarantees freedom for all faiths. Some people are non-religious (2.3%) or another religion (3%). Some islanders ascribe to espiritismo (spiritualism) and others practice Santeria, an Afro-Caribbean belief system brought to Puerto Rico from Cuba. There is also a small Jewish community.
Puerto Ricans often stray from the orthodox boundaries of Catholicism. Catholics pay rich homage to the saints, which is common in Latin America, however, parts of the island still believe in the evil eye, saints’ miracle, faith healing, and witchcraft. Catholic icons are often seen around household...

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