The Phenomenon of Fan Fiction

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A superhero is a type of fictional personality having unusual talents and powers. They most often appear in books of comics. After their triumph in the printed district, they have been featured in novels, TV series, radio serials, movies, and any other media. Most of them appearing in other media are tailored from comic strips, but exceptions and changes are common. Superheroes have had the typical characteristics of being athletic, tall, attractive and knowledgeable.
A phenomenon refers to a circumstance, an occurrence or a fact that is perceptible by the senses. It is taking a different behavior in fan fiction. Fan fiction/fanfic is a defined phrase for stories that are unpublished about characters or settings in an original work written by fans of, rather than by the genuine creator of the particular work. Fan fiction writers work under the assumption that their work is read only by other fans, and therefore, they presume their readers have knowledge of the original work where they base their articles (Hetcher, Steven1869-1935). This emerging behavior has become common with the readers of fictional work. However, fanfic remains a young in the literary family and its right to exist are still in dispute in some quarters.
By now a lot of people outside the odd world of fandom are aware of fan fiction existence, though no one is definite on whether to treat it as a literary genre or just an unusually entertaining hobby. They know that there are exceedingly many stories that are reader generated hovering about on the Internet based on characters from books, TV and movies. Fanfic has been there for a long time. However, it has attracted a remarkable amount of media interest lately. A number of significant papers have dedicated artic...

... middle of paper ... our favorite characters or superheroes existed once upon a time and also keep existing after the comic ends. It is not startling then that some writers best stories can be irresistible playground to write fan fiction.

Works Cited

Hetcher, Steven A. "Using Social Norms to Regulate Fan Fiction and Remix Culture." University of Pennsylvania Law Review (2009): 1869-1935.
Roberts, Robin. Anne McCaffrey: a life with dragons. Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2007: 234.
Brillinger, Marc A. "Silence descends: the effects of rising authoritarianism and fear on citizen engagement." (2009): 35-41
Thompson, Jeff. The Television Horrors of Dan Curtis: Dark Shadows, the Night Stalker and Other Productions, 1966-2006. McFarland, 2009.
Russo, Julie Levin. Indiscrete media: Television/digital convergence and economies of online lesbian fan communities. Diss. Brown University, 2010.

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