A Speculation on Why Female Fans Read Slash Fanfiction (and Enjoy It)

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Fanfiction is fiction literature about a medium such as a TV show, movie, or book, written by fans of the medium. It generally consists of many different genres and locations, but uses characters specific to the medium chosen. One of the most prominent parts of fanfiction culture is shipping or more specifically slash shipping. Shipping is the act of supporting two or more characters, personalities, or real people in a romantic relation-“ship” regardless of whether the relationship exists in real life or not; for example, “Bill Clinton/Hilary Clinton,” “Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky,” and “Bill Clinton/Michelle Obama/Monica Lewinsky” are all “ships”. Similarly, slash shipping is the act of shipping two characters, personalities, or real people of the same sex regardless of their original sexual orientation. While slash fiction in LGBT terms refers to any gay or lesbian fiction, fanfiction terms differ slightly in that slash fiction refers to gay fanfiction (as opposed to femme-slash which refers to lesbian fiction). On popular fanfiction archiving websites, simple searches show that more than 70 percent of all fanfiction is male slash fiction (“M/M Tag Search”). This abundance in male slash fiction brings up a puzzling question: why do so many fans enjoy it?
One common explanation for the abundance and support of gay fanfiction is that slash shipping promotes a positive, appealing idea of gay relationships. Slash shippers claim that by shipping homosexual relationships, they are making these relationships a regular part of society and by attempting to integrate slash relationships into society, they are supporting the LGBT community. In short, readers claim slash fiction is merely a form of sociopolitical statement made to create...

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... real life can compromise emotional, physical, and social safety, slash fanfiction allows women to explore at their own pace. They don’t have to worry about getting sexually abused because they are the ones in control of the experience. They don’t have to worry about physical security because it is only themselves who are involved. There are no chances of getting STDs or injuries. Additionally, there is an emotional safety blanket because there is a very little chance of emotional heartbreak or depression that results from reading slash fanfiction in comparison to real relationships. Many females also find mental solace in the fact that they can indulge in whatever they are interested in at whatever pace they wish to proceed, as opposed to having to worry about reciprocating and being an ideal partner. They also are allowed to bend rules and test the limitations of

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