The Outsiders Unit 2 Summary

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Unit 2 Paper Review and Critique The Outsiders is about the life of a 14 - year- old boy named Ponyboy, who struggles with what is right and wrong in a society. Ponyboy and his two brothers Darry and Sodapop have recently lost their parents in a car accident. Due to this Pony and Sodapop are allowed to stay under Darry’s guardianship as long as they behave. Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry are greasers, a term that refers to the young men on the east side of town, meanwhile the Socs are the rivals of the greasers. The Socs refer themselves the West- side rich kids. The novel starts off with Pony walking home alone from a movie. Ponyboy is stopped by a gang of socs who badly injure Pony and threaten to kill him. The next night after visiting a drive- in movie Ponyboy and Johnny go to a vacant parking lot to hang out however they both fall asleep. At 2:00 am Johnny wakes up Ponyboy, due to it being two in the morning Pony runs back …show more content…

Dally gives them 50$ and directions to a hideout outside of town. The boys hop on a freight train, and find the hideout where they are supposed to wait until Dally comes for them. Dally shows up one week later, and takes the boys to Dairy Queen. While eating Dally tells Ponyboy that Cherry is now being a spy for the greasers. After eating Dairy Queen they head back to the church and discover that it is on fire. A school group is there, and little kids are trapped inside the burning building. Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally managed to rescue all of the kids, but Johnny did not make it out. Johnny managed to survive but sustained heavy injuries such as burns and bruises. Later on Johnny dies from his injuries. Due to Johnny dying Dally robs a grocery store, then he flees to a vacant lot telling the group to pick him up. The police catch up to Dally and shoot

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