The Outbreak

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It was the end of the war, and all countries were stoked that there was finally peace in the world… But thats when they were wrong! It was a humid 80 degree morning in Miami Florida. Jack was just waking up to go to school. He was a bright and intelligent kid. His mom and dad were happy to have such a son. But one day they didn’t know that was going to be the last time they would see him. They sent him off to walk to school. Thats when they struck… They came in so fast, that he had no time to defend himself. He only saw a blur of brown as his leg was torn off. Only then he wished had said “bye” to his mom and dad…

Chapter One:
The Outbreak

One day I knew scientists would figure out what dumping radioactive waste into the streams of rivers, creeks, and oceans would do. It was the beginning of spring, all was well, and the birds were finally back to chirping. That was when I noticed all the waterways were this faint, but bright yellow. I went down to my favorite spot by the bend. I have this amazing turtle called Snappy. He is one of the biggest turtles I have ever seen! He always goes to the same spot every day. But he wasn’t there though, and I thought what happened? All that I saw sitting there was this weird glowing creature. I thought that’s an odd place for a glowing rock. I thought it was gold, crystal, or a rare diamond but no. I was walking in front of it when a bird flew down by it. It looked so peaceful. But if it wasn’t for that one bird I woulda, coulda, and shoulda been dead. It was so fast. There was a tangle of adrenaline from the gold object except it never died. It just kept going until the poor little bird disappeared from my eyes. Thats when the thing made the gruesome...

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... turtles just feasting on him. Until finally he was gone it only took about two seconds for him including his bones to be gone. I turn and run to the door while slamming it shut.

The End of Me

This is the end, I’m writing now knowing the seconds are disappearing from my life. The bangs on the door grow louder and louder, as the turtles are growing more hungrier. I hear the hinges on the door start to give way. I now know man is no longer on the top of the food chain. Instead of hunting we are the hunted. Now as the door gives way I see why no one can survive. I hear them scampering down the hall, I crack open my favorite soda and take huge gulp, the carbonation burning my throat. My dads hunting rifle stands next to me, at least I’ll die happily and see my dad once more. This is Carlos if anyone finds this get out it’s not safe. Hernandez signing out...

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