The coming storm

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The sky is darkening with the upcoming storm, and I can smell the rain as the lightning dances across the sky. Thunder roars in the distance; I quicken my pace down the street for fear of the storm. I cling tightly to bundle of books I hold my hands, my house is still far away. It’s better to be away from that place. I stare at the pavement as the water pours down from the sky; within moments I find myself on the ground I look up to meet the blue eyes from an unfamiliar face. He kneels down next to me “I'm so sorry,” he says in a shaky voice. He begins to gather the scattered books in his arms. As I stand up to meet his blue eyes again I smile in embarrassment and look to the ground. He hands me the books that I had dropped and smiles. Without saying anything I continue to walk to the awaiting horrors I call home. My cheeks are red with embarrassment, I can't stop blushing. “Who is this guy?” I ponder. I fear the inevitable pain I will receive arriving home. I turn the corner and stop, I am afraid to look back to see him still standing there. I check to see that I still have everything and keep walking home. I open the door, my father is standing there waiting. “Why are you home so late, you're drenched,” my father yells “look at you, you are pathetic!” I stand, accepting the screams of my father as he releasing all his anger into me, “Bu-,” I choke out to only be cut off, he grabs my wrist and dragged me to my room where he shoves me in and shuts the door. I go to my bed, I fall into the cushions down, tears softly falling down my cheeks. He doesn't care what I’m doing, he never does. I looked up at the time, it is 6:00pm, the sun is just falling below the horizon, the golden orange sky lay dormant, dark clouds hang overhead... ... middle of paper ... ...rnal bleeding, he died shortly after he arrived here." She said out in a saddened tone. I fall start to cry hysterically and walk out of the hospital, trying not to relive that moment of the car striking him. I walk slowly to the cemetery trying to make sense of things. I had just lost a friend, someone I had just met that day. Was it even possible to find someone to love within hours of finding them. Still crying I pass gravestones, walking to the pond that sat at the edge of the cemetery. I look into the reflective waters of pond, It seemed so peaceful,so serene, so calm. at that instant I knew what to do. I swim out to the middle of the pond and put my face into the water. The life being drained from my body as I ran out of air. Images played in my head of Reign and how much there could have been. Blackness started to pour in and then everything disappeared.

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