The Nightmare of the West Memphis Three

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In his article, “The Nightmare of the West Memphis Three”, Rich explores how the people of Memphis drew horrific conclusions about people based on the lifestyle they chose to practice. The article highlights the trials and tribulations faced by the accused three young teenagers. Rich does this by citing the popular documentary series “Paradise Lost” which is an in depth analysis into the lives of the accused, the victims’ families and members of the community. This paper outlines how the belief system of that time superseded the inconclusive evidence, which ultimately led to an unfair trial. By “othering” and “marginalizing” those three teens, the society and police created a scenario that aligned with their belief system at the time. Lastly, this paper highlights the influence of the media and celebrity in changing the course for these boys. The satanic cult panic in part contributed to the conviction of Misskelley, Echols and Baldwin. Baldwin himself describes this assumption; “I can see where they might think I was in a cult,” he said, in that 1993 interview, “because I wear Metallica T-shirts.” (Rich, 2013). The article goes on to explain that the crime happened at the end of the five-year satanic panic period that had plagued American popular culture. These boys did not dress like other teens; they did not listen to the same music. Metal music especially music from bands like Metallica were frowned upon because of their expletive lyrics. When the public established that the boys were different from them, they developed stories that would align with their beliefs. The article establishes that after several weeks of investigation and no clear leads, “rumors of satanic involvement assumed greater urgency” (Rich, 2013) By doi... ... middle of paper ... ...propelled the case further. Rich talks about how Peter Jackson, a famous director money was used in the DNA test that secured evidence that the Memphis Three were not involved in the murders of the little boys. Rich also highlights the name-dropping used by one of the victims in his book. The book itself was another form of gaining publicity. By writing the memoir, Echols was profiting from his understandable horrific experience. This speaks to the commodification and commercialization of experience exemplified in society today through Internet celebrities and reality television shows. In conclusion, the Memphis Three incident highlights just how far people would go because of their beliefs. It speaks to the harassment of already marginalized groups and the documentaries show just how driven North America is by commodification and driven by celebrity influence.

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