Stereotyping Research Paper

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Stereotyping is something that has become a regular thing in our daily lives. People will see someone that might look suspicious to them and then will accuse them for being a terrorist or gang member when they are just a normal person. Pretty much everyone has either been a victim or perpetrator of stereotyping another person. Stereotyping is one of the biggest problems we have today, which not only causes rifts between each other but also causes more problems. This is something that needs to stop if we are going to bring this world together and end all of its troubles. Back when I was in middle school, I was stereotyped a lot actually and it made me feel like I needed to change who I was. My friends and I use to be big nerds back in the sixth grade and we would always play games on the computer. People in middle school called us outcasts, nobody’s, losers and all those names hurt. People never wanted me to sit next to them or wanted me on their team in gym class because I liked to play games on my computer. They never cared to get to know the real me and how I was actually really good at sports and just a well-rounded normal guy. Needless to say, my friends and I were treated like gum on a sidewalk. I realized though that I wasn’t the person who needed to change to fit in. They were the outcasts that needed to change because nobody liked them. …show more content…

When I became who I really wanted to be, people started to act nice towards me and they greeted me with open arms. I started becoming more confident and that made the bullies who stereotyped me angry. It made me feel really great about myself to be accepted by everybody. Don’t let people change who you are because you don’t fit in; things will get better and you will be accepted for the person you want to

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