The Negative Effects Of Organic Foods: The Current System Of Food

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Could two foods with identical outward appearances hold the two different effects on the inside? This is the question surrounding the current system of food. Is the food you are eating creating a positive or negative effect? Food has become sustainable substance that is a required to exist, but the potential effects of these foods could also impact a community by leading it to nonexistence. In this time of technological advancements, although it can be easy to overlook possible side effects and outcomes of the many new groundbreaking innovations, consumers with only a limited knowledge of the emerging changes taking place in the agricultural industry are standing at a disadvantage. People being educated on the truth hidden behind their food …show more content…

In a new view from comprehensive “research reveals that organic crops have higher levels of antioxidants and less pesticide residue then conventional produce” (Sifferlin). This study shows that reasons to by organic produce would benefit the consumer’s body. They would receive more antioxidants and less harmful pesticides. Agreeing with Sifferlin, Kluger brought to a light a different study “conducted by the Organic Center, a nonprofit group in Boulder, Colo., organic produce was found to be 25% higher in phenolic acids and antioxidants. ‘It’s these components that are deficient in Americans diet, so that makes this finding especially significant’” (Kluger). Americans consume genetically modified foods for breakfast, lunch, and diner, so it’s no surprise that they are lacking the vital nutrients that are limited in modified foods. If shoppers would buy untouched and untampered foods, they would benefit from the rich source of …show more content…

Consumers need to make the educated decision to buy food that does not support factory farms and instead supports the health of the environment for people and animals. If consumers continue to buy non-organic genetically modified foods, they are giving power directly to “a small group of multinational corporations who control the entire food system, from seed to the supermarket” (Food Inc.). Corporations like Monsanto hold control over the entirety of soy and corn crops, two of the largest and most subsidized crops in America. These crops make the way for heavily fattened processed foods to be

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