The Negative Effects Of Ethnocentrism In The 19th Century

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Since before the 19th century all the way to today 's modern age, the world has been torn apart by countless wars and invasions, each more brutal and bloody than the last. These conflicts appear at first glance to break out at random, with seemingly nothing to connect them all together. History, however, requires individuals to seek to learn from past mistakes and find a way to avoid them in the future. This principle has inspired historians all across the world to search for a common factor amidst the chaos, a theme per se. The answer to their musings, the theme they are looking for, is ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism, as demonstrated in Africa,the Middle East, and Southern Asia, is the root cause of the majority of the conflict that has commenced since the 19th century and continues to this present day. One of the first major areas that were affected by the negative effects of ethnocentrism was the entire continent of Africa, along with all its various cultures and …show more content…

The first occurrence sparked a fight in 1857, taking the shape of the Sepoy Rebellion. The British had once again disregarded the culture of the people they controlled and tried to force the sepoys to disregard their ancient traditions and follow British orders. This caused the sepoys to revolt, a bloody war to start, and the rest is history. Further conflict in Southern Asia arrived in the form of a religious dispute between the Hindu’s and the Muslim’s. The bigotry on each side grew so substantial that eventually they were forced to split into two countries, India and Pakistan, resulting in massive migration with over 200,000 deaths and almost 14 million displaced, all due to the fact that neither side trusted the other’s religion. India and Pakistan still view each other as treacherous rivals to this day and show no signs of reconciling anytime

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