The Morality Of The Christology

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The Christology has been debated by theologians since the resurrection of Christ. Christology is a doctrine that concerns the nature and significance of Jesus Christ, the study of His nature and work. It has been questioned whether the Son is the Savior and whether the Son in God. For centuries there were councils that attempted to answer those questions and came up with their own explanations. Around 300 CE, Arius, a priest from Libya decided to share his view of the nature of Christ with other contemporaries. He announced, "If the Father begat the Son, then he who was begotten had a beginning in existence, and from this it follows there was a time when the Son was not" (Payne 73). He formulated doctrines which stated that: the Son and the Father were not of the same essence; the Son was not truly divine but a created being, and that though the Son was the creator of the universe, and must therefore have existed before them and before all time, "there was when he was not" (MacCulloch 213). So according to Arius, Christ was more than human but inferior to the Father, not divine. He wanted to paint an image of a Savior who was like humans and participated in human suffering. Athanasius, a bishop and arch-enemy of Arius opposed his views. According to him, people are saved because God became a human and experienced a human death. God became human or mortal to make humans immortal. Salvation wouldn't be possible if Christ was not divine. Both views were brought into question at the Council of Nicea 325 CE, the relationship of the Father to the Son. Athanisius' theology was recognized as true and placed into the creed. The decided statement was that the Son was of the same substance with the Father, homoousia. Although homoousia ... ... middle of paper ... ...sion, and no change. What was agreed upon at the Council of Chalcedon can supported in the Synoptic Gospels. It was reported that He was born of a woman, grew from infant to man, wept, experienced hunger, was tempted, and also experienced death, reavealing His human nature. "Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him", Matthew 8:26-27 (Bible np). Jesus also has power over nature, diseases, demons, sins, and death, revealing His divinity. "I and my Father are one", John 10:30 (Bible np). With each agreed statement, there are always some who think differently. The Chalcedon definition of Jesus had staying power, but there were still two sides and more questions. But it stays to say that the Jesus Christ is truly divine and truly man.

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