The Meno

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In the Meno, Plato justifies the possibility for one’s mind to uncover knowledge. Knowing one can obtain knowledge motivates the mind to gain more knowledge. Plato explains the theory of recollection by first questioning what virtue is, then demonstrating the process through the questioning of a slave boy. Although a few weaknesses present themselves in Plato’s argument, Plato presents a valid theory on how our minds can obtain knowledge. This paper focuses on exploring Plato’s theory of recollection by examining the strengths and weaknesses of his discussion with Meno.

The discussion of Plato’s theory of recollection evolved from a single question, “What is virtue?” When questioning Meno on the single definition of virtue, Plato was never satisfied. He never accepted Meno’s answers because Meno gave “virtuous” definitions, not “virtue’s” definition. For example, Meno claimed, “if you want a woman’s virtue, that is easily described. She must be a good housewife, careful with her stores and obedient to her husband. Then there is another virtue for a child, male or female, and another for an old man, free or slave” (Greek Philosophy, 111). All of these are examples of how a person’s role becomes virtuous but never defines what virtue really is. Plato questions Meno’s self-knowledge of virtue, but Meno expounds virtuous characteristics rather than giving a definition of virtue. This presents a problem because if Meno does not know what virtue really is, then he cannot apply which characteristics associate with virtue and which do not. When Plato asks, “Does anyone know what a part of virtue is, without knowing the whole?” (Greek Philosophy, 119), Meno agrees this is simply impossible. This presents a logical argument against Meno’s definition(s) of virtue.

Plato believes the conversation to search for what virtue really is should continue despite achieving no success in their first efforts to form a satisfactory definition. Meno becomes very aggravated with Plato and proposes a valid argument to him. Meno exclaims,

“And how will you inquire, (Plato), into that of which you are totally ignorant? What sort of thing, among those things which you know not, will you put forth as the object of your seeking? And even if you should chance upon it, how will you ever know that it is the thing which you not know?” &...

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... learn. The study of psychology proves the human mind can learn and gain knowledge through processes dealing with classical, operant, and cognitive conditioning. Plato’s point was correct, but how he argued it was incorrect.

Plato’s theory of recollection on how our minds can obtain knowledge is of great significance. He presents a strong theory on why the mind should not cease to expand its knowledge. The theory of recollection emphasizes the human mind can obtain knowledge and define what virtue really is. This theory is essential to Plato and Meno continuing their work on obtaining knowledge. Unfortunately, the theory of recollection presents an infinite regress of how the soul first obtains the knowledge to “recollect.” Despite the fallacy in Plato’s theory of recollection, he still proves his point to Meno that the mind can obtain knowledge, and the search for knowledge should continue.

Work Cited

Allen, Reginald E. Greek Philosophy, Thales to Aristotle. New York, NY: Free Press, 1966.

Fleming, Noel and Alexander Sesonske. Plato’s Meno: Text and Criticism. Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 1965.

Thomas, John E. Musings on the Meno. The Netherlands: The Hague, 1980.

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