The Lovesong Of J Alfred Prufrock Romanticism Essay

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Around the 1900’s, an author by the name of T.S Eliot wrote a poem, called, “The Lovesong of J.Alfred Prufrock”. This work showed the transition from romanticism to modernism. It established an eerie and mysterious environment, creating a strange and mysterious mood in their urban neighborhood. He learns about his own self-pity through self-reflection. He writes this in order to show that Prufrock is an example of the modern, mentally broken man. As you read this work, you will easily be able to draw the conclusion that he expresses his personality through unruly depression, loneliness, and constant negative outlook on life. As a mentally broken man, Prufrock is constantly worrying about his lonely life style. With no one to enjoy the amazing things in his life with, he often feels the down and sinking feeling of depression, as the reader can conclude from his statement, “But though I have wept and fasted, wept and prayed, Though I have seen my head (grown slightly bald) brought in upon a platter…”(81-83). He lives alone, not married, with no friends. As he gets older, he starts believing that there is nothing in this world for him. He has no relevance in the lives of the people he is surrounded with everyday. He lives life as if it is just a fleeting component of the many things that this universe has to offer, and that …show more content…

In line 31, he states, “Time for you and time for me, “. This sort of silently creates the image that maybe this lady of friend of his is separated from him, leaving him no one in his life to interact or communicate with. Also, in line 72, he states, “Of lonely men in shirt-sleeves, leaning out of window.” This statement implies that maybe he could relate to those men. He could see the fact that they seemed lonely. It seems as if he looks for people that he relates to, so that maybe he doesn’t feel so bad about the way he lives his

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