The Lost Heiress Analysis

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The Lost Heiress, by Catherine Fisher, is the second book in The Relic Master tetralogy. A young man named Raffael who is training to become a Relic Master under Galen Harn. With the help of Carys, a member of The Watch, Galen and Raffael are able to overcome multiple impediments. The Watch is attempting to eliminate all of those left of The Order, also known as Relic Masters; however, Carys determined The Watch is a corrupt organization and uses her status to her advantage. Continually, through Galen’s unwavering fate in the Makers, those who created the world, they are able to begin rebuilding The Order and character development demonstrates the evolution of Carys. Also, an abundance of themes and quotes adequately explains the plot and grips the readers attention. Galen and Raffael are not completely certain they can place their lives in Carys’ hands. However, after she rescues them multiple times she proves her loyalty to Galen and Raffael. The first incident where Carys assisted Galen and Raffael was while she snuck them into the Forbidden City. She fooled the guard by using her status to explain they were spies on a sensitive mission of The Watch. Consequently, both Galen and …show more content…

“Bind a bright web about the doubtful soul. If you pull hard, it will come to you” (Fisher 335). Galen's determination lead him to the hidden home on the swamp and to the Interrex. Therefore, he believed or “pulled” enough to bring himself and Raffael to the Interrex. Raffael crafted a web of light while he and Carys escaped The Watch house, allowing them to leap to safety and escape with only minor injuries. Therefore, his belief in himself binded a web of light, a bright web, and prevented his and Carys’ deaths. Undoubtedly, The Lost Heiress contains an abundance of quotes similar to the three discussed that continually cause the reader to question the motives of the characters and wonder what will happen

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