The Locavore's Dilemma Summary

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Evaluation of "The Locavore's Dilemma" "The Locavore's Dilemma" is a piece written by Christophe Pelletier, owner of the consulting firm The Happy Future Group Consulting Ltd. and creator of the agricultural blog, "The Food Futurist". The Locavores, a growing group of humans in favor of eating locally grown food, believe that 100-mile food is the way to a more sustainable agriculture and consumption. Pelletier, on the other hand, feels that the Locavorian lifestyle is foolhardy as well as too ideological for society as a whole. The audience for my evaluation, I believe, is primarily low to middle class citizens that are exploring self-sufficient, healthy, alternative lifestyles that are affordable, manageable, and permit them to grow their own produce rather than relying on the norms such as grocery stores or farmer’s markets that sell mass produced commodities. From an evaluative standpoint, I feel that Pelletier’s article is useful for research when trying to gain a better understanding of the pros and cons of locally grown …show more content…

He states the purpose of the Locavore and details their progress as well as growth in his native Vancouver, British Columbia. Then, very swiftly, Pelletier begins to note the disadvantages to 100-mile food by showing the readers the loss of our beloved coffee bean as well as the barley needed to make delicious, ice cold beer we Westerners are so accustomed to. From this early standpoint, the article continues to list the negative effects as well as our economic losses under a Locavorian society. Pelletier then begins to explore what he feels is the most important issue with our current Agricultural programs: Becoming more efficient and environmentally aware of where and how our foods are grown. He implies that other resources, such as trade and aquaponic gardening, are better, more economically sound alternatives to a total Locavorian way of

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