The Listening Project: A Social Experiment

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The Listening Project was a social experiment where a group of people traveled the world and asked people what they thought about America and simply listened to their responses. This experiment provided very strong responses both positive and negative from different groups of people while others had a very vague ideas or thoughts about America. By just listening to these people respond they were able to get a better understanding how people all over the world feel about America. This film helps answer two very important questions, why is it important to listen to what others think and what does it mean to be a world citizen. Also it highlights key concepts of communication, skepticism, empathetic listening and vividness. One of the most important aspects of this experiment was simply the listening part. Just listening to someone else talk is very necessary for effective clear communication. It allows for the person to say what they want to say without any interruptions or having to always qualify what they say. Throughout the experiment they traveled to many different countries and experienced many cultures and it was very …show more content…

A citizen of the world is someone that goes into other countries and cultures with an open mind and willingness to learn. They must not be active in ethnocentrism nor discriminate against others based on their culture, race, gender, etc. The people have most of these traits as they travel to each country and try to learn and experience each culture as they listen to the people’s thoughts and partake in each culture’s traditions. They are able to maintain a non-bias and are open minded as they travel to each unique place allowing the people to freely speak their mind and take in what they say. To truly be a citizen of the world you must follow the example they set which is to be accepting of all cultures, and to essentially be at home in any country you travel

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