The Role of the Citizen

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The role of the citizen is a role with many parts that make up one model character. A good citizen must remain loyal to its country and respect all laws laid down by its government. They also work to improve their communities and stay up-to-date on all the goings-on. But what is a citizen? What makes someone a citizen? When you are a citizen, how do you be a good one? All of those questions and more are answered in this dissertation.

The Role of the Citizen

If you are a citizen of the U.S.A. you may enjoy numerous basic rights and freedoms. Freedom of assembly and press are just a few. The rights of a citizen are assured by the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the various Amendments therein. Still, along with these rights are responsibilities. Such liabilities include voting, following rules and laws, and jury duty. Minors may also be active citizens and assist in making their community a better place. A model citizen knows their rights, is responsible, stays knowledgeable, makes good decisions and participates in their community. This paper will help you learn what it takes to be a model citizen.

What is a citizen?

A citizen is a legal member of a country to which it pledges fidelity. Along with citizenship are certain freedoms, shielding, and duties. Being a member of a country also means a citizen is a member of a community and should strive to make their community a better place to live. There are a number of ways to become a citizen in the United States. Several ways include citizenship by naturalization and citizenship by birth. All citizens of the U.S. have equal protection under the law.

Citizenship by birth

Anyone born in the United States is automatically a legal citizen. Children who born to t...

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...oblems, staying informed, and taking action. When you know your rights, act responsibly, stay informed, make good decisions and participate in your community you are not just a citizen; you are a model citizen. By setting an example, you can make a difference.

In conclusion……

So now you see your many questions answered. A citizen is a legal member of a country, either by naturalization or by birth, with certain undeniable rights and some sensible restrictions to those rights. With these rights comes responsibilities that may differ for different age groups. A good citizen, however, not only is aware of all of the above information but tries to stay au courant of local and national news. A good citizen also makes wise decisions and actively participates in their community. The intelligence communicated in this essay is the script for the role of the citizen.

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