The Lightning Thief Sparknotes

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The Lightning Thief, a fantasy-adventure novel immersed in Greek mythology by Rick Riordan, explores the story line of the Quest and engages readers in the conflict of haven versus wilderness. Riordan takes the characters on a journey where they encounter conflict as they try to complete their quest. Percy, the hero, who is not happy in his ordinary world, attends Yancy Academy, a school in New York City for troubled kids. He only has one friend, Grover, the trickster. He does love his mother and the color blue; however, his stepfather, Gabe, is described as smelly, disgusting, and mean. After school dismisses for the summer, Percy and his mother travel to the beach where they come across the Minotaur. As his mother races Percy …show more content…

Percy battles the Minotaur and wins, but the Minotaur takes his mother before Percy can kill him. In this story, his mother acts as the threshold guardian because she keeps the secret that Percy is a demigod until it is necessary for him to know. His call to adventure occurs when his mother disappears, and he must find a way to save her. His Latin teacher at Yancy Academy turns out to be the camp director, Chiron, a centaur and Percy's mentor. He also meets Annabeth, the platonic ideal. Percy's threshold is becoming a demigod and going to Camp Half Blood. Chiron tells Percy about an issue with the gods, but Percy refuses to do anything for the gods; he just wants his mother back. Despite his refusal, he is sent to the Oracle that acts as the herald who issues a quest. He takes his friends Grover and Annabeth with him on the quest, and along the way they encounter several tests and enemies. Early in the journey they meet Medusa. As they continue to travel across the country, they meet Echidna and her Chimera in the Arch, and Ares in Denver. All these characters pose as enemies and tests that Percy has to …show more content…

He bribes Charon to let them through to the Underworld with a promise to talk to Hades about a pay raise. When they get to the throne room, Percy’s bag starts to feel heavier. He talks to Hades about getting the Lightning Bolt and his mother back. Hades is angry, for his helm of darkness has been stolen, and he believes Percy stole the bolt and his helm. Percy promises to find and return his helm. In order to leave, he smashes one pearl, and then he smashes two more to take Grover and Annabeth with him. He does not have a fourth to save his

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