The Life Review Process

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The Life Review Process Although personality is largely talked about in terms of traits, a person’s personality has a special component that only becomes prominent as a person ages. Personality is a complex field of study that has produced many popular theories such as Cattell’s work with “The Big Five”, among other theories proposed by Freud, Erikson, Allport, Jung, and many others (Ryckman, 2012). Personality can be divided into three different “levels”: traits, personal concerns such as goals and wishes, and the final being the life narrative, which is concerned with a person’s “essence”, what makes them who they are, and answers the “who am I?” question (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields, 2015). Thinking about who we are and solidifying our identities occurs as we age. We form our identities through our personal …show more content…

This type of therapy seeks to help clients improve their mood and overall life satisfaction, especially if they are suffering from some form of dementia (Nall, 2015). The act of remembering past experiences is very beneficial to a person’s overall mood, and according to Butler’s theory, also helps to unify aspects of people’s personalities in the final stages of life (Butler, 1963). Life Review Therapy often includes activities such as sharing important objects from your life, talking about major turning points, or sharing favorite pieces of literature or music (Nall, 2015). Although Life Review Therapy is very similar to Reminiscence Therapy, there are some slight differences: life review therapy is about talking about the greater meaning behind a person’s life experiences, whereas Reminiscence therapy is about explaining a certain memory (Nall, 2105). Life Review therapy is also often centered around various themes, the most common being “family”, and the life review therapy is also often more “evaluative” than reminiscence therapies (Haber,

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