The Life Of Bob Marley

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Bob Marley, a Jamaican singer and songwriter once started off a quote questioning “Who are you to judge the life I live?” This world is full of judgement, Everyday people are judged by the hair they have, the skin they wear, and the sexuality they diverse in. The reality of this question will draw people in because in today’s society, it is filled with hatred and judgement. It seems he purpose this question because it connects to every human life span and shows how it is easy to judge somebody based on the way their clothes fit to the skin they wear, but when he asked the question it seems he is asking a deeper question. It seems that he wants people to ask themselves the real question of, “why judge another’s life if their life isn’t perfect?” …show more content…

If Bob Marley wasn’t perfect and didn’t want to be perfect, what’s the difference between one person and another of the exact race or skin color trying to be perfect? There isn’t a difference and Bob is trying to get people to understand that not everybody is deemed to be perfect and shouldn’t live a lifestyle that is pure. When bob stated that he isn’t perfect, it shows a great example of how people can recognize that life isn’t perfect and they shouldn’t try to be perfect. Humans make mistakes and with those mistakes comes consequences. So what Bob is trying to get people to understand is that it isn’t an inhumane thing to make mistakes and mess up in life. Its makes a human who he/she is and they shouldn’t have to fear being perfect. Being perfect would seem like a boring life in Bob’s case and people should let loose sometimes. The last few things that Bob states in his quote seem to top the frosting on this big cake that society has baked. When people judge one another, they don’t realize the damage they cause and the repercussion. The ending to this quote really shows that a person shouldn’t judge another person to quickly. It’s like Bob knew that stating “but before you start pointing fingers...make sure your hands are clean!” What Bob is trying to explain is that if one person had a past that was problematic and can be judge by their action, that person has no right to lay a judgement call on another human

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