Comparing The Hatchet And The Giver

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In the wilderness, all by himself, with no food or supplies; the only thing he had was one hatchet. A boy named Brian Robeson had to survive all of these hardships by himself. On the other side of the world, the engine of a plane rumbles as I sit with my two books: The Hatchet and The Giver. All I had with me was time, so I decided to start my summer reading. I thought the books would mean nothing to me, just like how Brian thought the hatchet was going to be useless. However, the books turned out to be remarkable and let me reflect on my way to Hill. The Hatchet is about Brian Robeson, a thirteen-year-old boy from New York City who was on a plane to visit his dad in Canada when the pilot suddenly had a heart attack and died. For the last few minutes before the disaster, Brian was in complete control of the plane. He survived by using a hatchet his mother gave him in the past. He was rescued after 54 days when he found a transmitter and flipped the switch. The narrator of the book reflected on Brian’s old English teacher, “Brian had once had an English teacher, a guy named Perpich, who was always …show more content…

He tried to learn from the mistakes. He couldn’t bury food again, couldn’t leave it in the shelter, because something like a bear could get at it right away. It had to be high somehow, high and safe.” (P. 49) The narrator reflects on Brian’s mistakes throughout the book and gives an outside point of view on his struggles. Brian is young and lost. He can feel down and depressed at times, he never gives up and keeps on looks at problems from a different angle. Perseverance is what Brian and I have in common. Although I may make many mistakes, I always try my best every time to learn from those mistakes and try not make those mistakes again. For example, during my first time golfing out with my parents, I would talk during people’s backswing. Now, I don’t talk when someone is on the tee box because I know my actions were very disrespectful for other

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