The Last Four Hundred Years

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At the turn of the century, it was apparent that we, the human race, could no longer continue at the rate we were going. At several billion people, we were rapidly multiplying at an exponential rate. Scientists declared an international emergency because of drastic depleation of natural resources. It became obvious that in a few decades the continuation of the human way of life would be impossible if we did not find a solution to our problem. We needed more space for our species, and something with which to nourish them and keep them alive.

Scientists began project 420, code named MIGRATE, in 2005. The objective of this effort was to explore then universe in which we live in search of a decent living environment for our future generations. In year 2020, a three-hundred ton missile was launched into space carrying ten scientists, two computer programmers, one archeologist, fifty military officers and soldiers, two mathmaticians, and two language experts (fluent in fourteen languages or more) from each major country: the USA, Belgium, Russia, Japan, China, England, Italy, and Israel. Ample food and fuel was also on board to sustain all of them for the maximum possible length of the trip: four-hundred years. This trip length is only possible due to the reduction of aging when travelling at speeds faster than that of light. Using cold-dysprosiate-fusion (discovered: 2003), the scientists would travel at 13.7 times the speed of light and be able to explore the outer reaches of t...

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