The Lake-Personal Narrative

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No place in my fifth-teen years have compared to it. The wonderful sound of the rippling water that is reflecting sunlight into my eyes on a warm day can’t be beat. Sitting on the deck balcony that could overlook the lake, the cool breeze could always enhance my mood. I could see and hear anything from here like the subtle buzz of the jet ski down in the lake. The jet ski created ripples of water behind it which created a v-shape. Branson, MO is a unique and meaningful place to me and my entire family.

The lengthy and boring car ride to Branson was always worth it. The moment my eyes gained a glimpse of the Branson Strip, I was instantly filled with joy. Bright lit up shops and signs were everywhere. Driving down, you could see all the tail lights glisten into your eyes. The streets were densely packed. It felt like you were driving in slow motion. High in the sky lied the steel go-kart tracked that winded up and declined down a slope. Driving pasted it you could hear the loud engines rumble pass you. When they reached the top of the ramp and begin to go down, the sound of the rubber tires against the steel tracked got extremely loud and squeaky. Passing the wooden sign reading Rock Lane Resort, the quest to our resorts is getting close to an end as we head down the dark streets into the dense forest. After …show more content…

Here is where my family meets up every year. In the morning, the water was subtle and peaceful. The dock moved up slightly and down slightly. The occasional boat would sail by giving the dock a sudden jerk, but soon after becoming calm. The cool breeze and the warm sun complimented each other perfectly. Jumping into the water gave you a sudden change from hot to cold which was surprisingly very satisfying. In the water your legs hang down loose with no restraints. Trees by the water swung back and forth by the gush of wind. Branson gives me an atmosphere where I am always

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