I Love Renaissance

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What did I love most about the summer down in Providence, this is a question of rather difficult nature, because what I loved most was not a thing but a feeling. The feeling of strolling leisurely down the roads of campus, the feeling of fall haunting you way earlier than one would expect it. Providence, what a wonderful town. Small, old, english houses, with beautiful white window cills and lovely red brick exposed towards the street. It seemed like someone had painted the town and then forgot about it. The feeling of waking up in the morning, a cool, refreshing wind caressing your cheeks while you walk to the dining hall to get your breakfast. The feeling of writing out on a lawn in campus, reading books on your assignments, going to the library and seeing books upon books upon books. All of these individual feelings make up my summer experience at Brown and asking me to pin point my favourite one, seems like a nuisance, their all my favourite. I fell in love …show more content…

It had gotten to me, the stress of traveling, the fact that they mixed up my student ID and I could not get into my dorm, the fact that my dorm smelled and the bathroom was in an awful state. And yet I made my bed, unpacked my clothes and went to bed shortly after, just to wake up at five in the morning and call my parents. I missed home. There are few places quite as wonderful as my hometown. I got up and I couldn’t find the dining hall, it was very frustrating. Little did I know, they had three. So that first day, I remember sitting in Starbucks, eating my oatmeal and drinking my orange juice, a coffee and taking in this strange place at seven in the morning, with no one awake as it was a Sunday. I went on a tour, they held a talk and pretty soon after I was an official student at Brown, at least for the

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