The Ivory Game: Human Impact On The Environment

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Human impact on the earth is inevitable, as all species affect their environment, whether it be positive or negative. Humans have been living with their surroundings since the beginning of their existence, yet it seems only in the past few centuries has the negative effects of human interference become blatantly evident. Even more recently, however, people are becoming more aware of the damages that are being done to the earth. One of the most well known consequences of human activities is pollution. All aspects of the earth can be affected by pollution-- water, air, and land. Water is the most vital thing for all life, yet it is a limited resource. Only 2.5% of water on earth is freshwater, and even that amount is being diminished by pollutants. …show more content…

The illegal wildlife trade is currently a crisis as animal parts are sold through the black market. The documentary The Ivory Game illustrates the reality of poaching elephants in Africa. An elephant is killed every 15 minutes for their tusks, which are sold for high amounts within the black market. Elephants are not the only victims of this sad crime; poachers will kill almost any animals to sell them. However, not all wildlife trade is illegal. Many animals are sold, alive and dead, as pets, souvenirs, and decorations. This illegal trade leads to another problem with wild animals: some people buy exotic animals as pets, without giving it the proper care or environment. Eventually, the owners decide they do not want the animal anymore, but there is a problem: once these animals are in captivity, they will most likely never be able to return to the …show more content…

There are two ways to control wildfires: directly and indirectly. Direct control entails putting out a fire with either water or flame retardant supplied through helicopters and hoses. This means of fire control is best on smaller fires as is harder and less effective. Indirect control requires establishing a fireguard in the path of the fire. The fireguard is created by removing fuels from the ground, or covering fuels with flame retardant to reduce the flammability. Controlling wildfires is important as the fires could spread for miles and burn down an entire forest. Another example of positive human interference is the removal of invasive species. Invasive species may come into a new environment and take over, as they have no predators. They have the potential to wipe out other species in their habitat. The removal of these species protects the affected habitat and the organisms within

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