The Iraq Economy During And After Saddam Hussein's Era

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A comparison of Iraq’s economy during and after Saddam Hussein’s era “Iraq's economy has been grossly mismanaged for 40 years, and its people desperately need an alternative strategy to supplant the failed policies of its dictator. Sound economics are needed to help them rebuild their lives and their country after two decades of wars and four decades of repression under the current regime” (Cohen). Iraqis have shown to have much better lifestyles after the fall of Saddam Hussein; it’s like life was once pumped again to Iraqi neighborhoods after years of oppression and poor economy. Saddam Hussein's regime has succeeded in bankrupting the country even though it boasts 112 billion barrels of oil in reserves--the world's second largest after Saudi Arabia's (Cohen) by forcing Iraqis to go on pointless wars on Kuwait, Iran and purchasing weapons, it not only shed billions of dollars; it also shed more than a million lives .The current era has brought economic improvements to Iraqi citizens that made their lives better. …show more content…

In Hussein’s era, all government jobs were mandatory if you wanted to work in the afternoon; the fees were only amounted to 3000 Iraqi dinars (estimated 2.69 US dollars). It made the society suffer and rot in poverty; a person couldn’t buy anything of sufficient value with 3000 Iraqi Dinars. People had to work in private practices in the afternoon to live comfortably. In the current era government jobs can pay as high as 1000000 Iraqi dinars (897.75 US dollars) and it’s not mandatory to work in a government job unlike Hussein’s era; it made citizens live more comfortably and increased their buying capacity which improved the economy. Plus there wasn’t a need to work in the

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