The Invisible Emperors Summary

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The Invisible Emperors talked about some of the misconceptions and new findings about bacteria. It first talked about how we always think that bacteria is bad for us, and how we relate it to sickness. Following this, it mentions how scientists have new tools that allow them to see the DNA of micro-organisms, and how this could someday be a cure for cancer. Among other things, like replicating DNA using bacteria, they mention how it is becoming a very vast and almost limitless field.

Following some statistical facts, they talk about how they can now take the DNA and figure out what microbial produced it. This lead into some of the benefits of bacteria, such as decomposing garbage and producing oxygen. Later it talked, and had a graphic, about individual bacterias that offer benefits to humans. It goes into how microbes are constantly attacked by humans by using products such as soap, anti-bacterial rinses, cat litter, etc. Then it concludes that section of the article saying that by killing off so many bacteria, both good and bad, it could upset the balance of nature, not only resulting in direct harm to us, but allowing other bacteria to become dangerous.

The second part of the article talks about how other scientists are excited to find out about extremophiles. It starts out …show more content…

I knew that raw food had some bacteria on it, but five million bacteria per gram seems like a lot. In that same paragraph, It talked about the global population of prokaryotes being somewhere around 5,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Yet, if they were all dried, it would only be enough to cover France three feet deep. I tried to look for a more current estimate on the global population of prokaryotes, but everything referred to the same study mentioned in the article. The study was by William Whitman, David Coleman, and William

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