The Influence Of Selfies

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From duck lips to dog filters, selfies have taken over, but how do selfies affect us? Some people, such as Judy Farah, believe that selfies have made people narcissistic. She suggests that maybe selfies are an obsession. That every day, sometimes three to four times a day, people will post selfies. She also mentions how selfies have become a bigger deal with celebrities as well, and when celebrities do things, then everyone else wants to do it too. Another writer, Mario Almonte says that “We are living in a culture of people who are very much involved in themselves and becoming a culture of self-indulgence” his statement goes along with what Farah was saying about how selfies have made us narcissistic. From stars like Ellen taking selfies, …show more content…

It’s 2017 and gradually people keep losing their communication skills. To me, I think selfies help that. Sometimes yes, like Farah mentions, we post things for people to look at, give us attention and to comment or like on. I believe that helps us engage with each other. The next time you look at a selfie, read the comments. People comment on selfies to have short conversations with each other. We as Humans are social animals, we are driven by the need for social interaction. We want to be valued, and included in a part of something. Selfies also create a life narrative through pictures. We can post selfies of our daily lives and people get a brief (sometimes detailed) view of what the person is doing or accomplishing. An example of this would be, someone posting a picture of themselves at the gym. We can see what goals they are trying to accomplish and follow up on other selfies to see if they have reach the goal they want to achieve, this is where the comments come back to play. We comment on pictures to give feedback and tell them to keep pushing for their goal. Selfies also offer people the opportunity to see pieces of ourselves through different images, we are sharing more of ourselves, which some might think is annoying or pointless, but it helps us connect as a society. I also think selfies help create who we are as a person. When we take selfies, and post them online we are not only showing the world who …show more content…

Like I mentioned above, if someone posted a selfie of their gym accomplishments, it might encourage them to keep trying harder if someone where to comment, “Good job you go!”. Maybe they are looking for that extra boost to keep them confident. Farah argues that women had to “fight hard to break down barriers to enter the all-male newsroom and boardroom not so long ago”, but women also struggle everyday to feel good about themselves. When we scroll through selfies on the internet it gives us confidence, such as when female celebrities post selfies of themselves without makeup. It proves to the public, especially young girls and women, that it’s fine to be our true selves sometimes. Often times all that can make a person happy is to see someone be confident in themselves, and that inspires us to be confident in ourselves as

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