Narcissism's Impact on the Millennial Generation

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What happens when Narcissism takes over a generation? Is that generation the only generation who is affected? A narcissistic generation does not happen on it 's own. Majority of Millennial 's characteristics are negative but not entirely negative. However, Generation Me only values themselves. Their overemphasis on self-esteem is well intentioned but often leads to narcissism. Both terms can be avoided with proper treatment.
A Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental disorder in which people elaborate sense of their own importance ("Narcissistic Personality Disorder"). They have a deep need for admiration and have a lack of empathy for others. They also believe they are superior to others and have little feelings but are really …show more content…

A selfie is a picture that you take of yourself especially by using the front camera of your smartphone ("Selfie"). The word was added to the dictionary in 2013 and originates from Australia. A selfie can be used to relive moments with someone but is mostly used for attention. There are people who post more than one selfie a day and that is outrageous. It is one of the most narcissistic acts created because there are people who spend hours a day taking selfies and don 't do anything productive instead. Majority of children know how to take selfies but not tie their shoes. It 's a trend that will never have an end. If anything the trend evolves more each day with gadgets to help take better selfies. There are tools to create a great selfie such as selfie sticks and selfie timers. There are apps to take selfies even if your phone comes with a camera application which is the most logical location on which to take a selfie. The worst selfie application I have seen to this day is the one where it appears that you were wearing make up or have a different hairstyle. The reason why are the worst because some people take it to an extreme level where they hide all of their imperfections and look like a completely different person. I have aunts who take too much advantage of those applications and end up looking as if they belonged in a cartoon. I have met many people from …show more content…

Music before had a meaning it didn 't contain foul language nor did it advice you to "Love Yourself" Majority of music today is about self-worth, self-benefit, self everything. Rapper Kanye West, Kim Kardashian West 's husband is a perfect example of a self-centered human being in the music world. I have seen this quote all over the internet "I love you like Kanye loves Kanye" (Anonymous). If you don 't know that Kanye is a self centered narcissist, then you wouldn 't have understood that quote the first time you read it. In "Generation Me" Jean M Twenge says that Kanye wrote a song titled "I Am a God" which he wrote after he wasn 't able to attend a Paris fashion show (Twenge). "Cause it 's like, Yo! Nobody can tell me where I can and can 't go. Man, I 'm the number one living and breathing rock star" (Kanye West). The song "Love Yourself " by Justin Bieber is another example of narcissism in music. I can 't imagine how many people heard this song and thought "I must love myself more than ever loving anything or anyone else." The lyrics describe someone telling the other person to love themselves because if they love themselves that much then they should continue to love themselves more. I would say it beats Kanye 's "I Am a God" on the narcissist

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