The Influence Of Identity Development In Step Brothers

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Numerous movies, books or TV shows have plenty of character that shows development throughout the course of their lifetime, series or whatever the case may be. In this case I decided to choose Dale Doback and Brennan Huff from the movie, Step Brothers. These characters play an enormous role in this movie due to the fact they are the step brothers the title was referring to. Brennan and Dale were both in their forties, they were both unemployed, still living at home, and self- centered, spoiled men. Neither of them had the slightest intentions of moving out of their parents’ houses. Brennan’s mother meets Dale’s father at a conference, there they hit things off. These two end up getting married and moving in with each other. Which was how …show more content…

After their parents broke the fight up, they were sat down and punished. Their punishment was they would have to get jobs. Brennan and Dale started to realize their parents are right. These two both went through identity development at this point. Identity development was when one begins to realize who they are going to be, where they are going in life, and how they define themselves. According to Eric Ericson, one must endure eight different steps to truly have gone through the process of identity development. These stages are trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame, initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority, identity vs., role confusion, and intimacy vs. isolation, generativity vs. stagnation and finally, integrity vs. despair. Ericson believed one would experience these issues before the age of ten, but would go back to these topics throughout life. At this time Brennan and Dale could be going through multiple of these things. For instance, they were having to make a decision on whether they wish to mooch off their parents for the rest of their lives. They were also taking the initiative in realizing they need to get jobs. A specific stage they were experiencing was identity vs. role …show more content…

The two that are more of negative ways to resolve identity are foreclosure and diffusion. Foreclosure is when a commitment is made but one has not explored their options. Almost as their life is predestined. An example of foreclosure in Step Brother was after Brennan went through the MAMA period. Things did not work out in the job market so his brother hired him to work for his company. Brennan’s mother suggested this at the beginning of Brennan’s job hunt, but he did not aspire to work for his brother. Now diffusion is where one has made no commitments and has not even tried to explore their options. One in diffusion is simply just drifting through life. A prime example of diffusion was Brennan and Dale. Before the fight happened these two were living off mom and dad, they did not consider entering the workforce so they did not recognize it as an immediate problem. As one can grasp Eric Ericson’s theories are definitely predominant throughout this

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