The Importance of Studying Mark's Gospel for Christians

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The Importance of Studying Mark's Gospel for Christians Disciples were followers of Jesus. The first disciples that Jesus called were fishermen, Simon, who later became Peter, and Andrew. He told them to leave their nets. He said: "Come with me and I will teach you to catch people." (Mark 1:16-20) Next, he called two brothers, James and John, who left a lucrative family business straight away, to follow Jesus, a stranger that they had heard of. Then, soon after, when a crowd was following Jesus, he saw a tax- collector named Levi. He said: "Follow me." (Mark 2:13-17) And Levi got up and followed him. The Israeli people hated tax collectors. They were rich and had certain privileges, but Levi chose Jesus rather than keep working for the Romans Jesus needed disciples because he knew he didn't have much time before his death, so he had to have people to spread his word after he had gone, to preach and to cast out demons. He told them: "I have chosen you to be with me." And he said to them: "I will also send you out to preach, and you will have the authority to drive out demons." (Mark 3:13-19) This is significant because these were the twelve men who were going to carry out his work after he died, and Peter became the first Pope and the rock that the church was built on. The disciples were far from perfect. The future head of the church denied Jesus three times before his crucifixion. We can take solace from this because it shows that the disciples were not perfect and that even though we should strive for perfection we do not necessarily need to achieve it. Jesus sent out his disciples in twos... ... middle of paper ... to the elderly, the homeless, etc, and showing respect for others. By following the greatest commandment, love God and love yourneighbour, the reward will be eternal life. Jesus reassured us that we don't have to be perfect, and that we can sin, like the prodigal son, and be forgiven by our heavenly father, if we are sorry for what we have done. In conclusion, I do agree with that statement - modern society does make it difficult to be a true disciple, but with determination, courage, faith, love, humility, trust in God and loyalty, this is possible because in my own experience there are a lot of temptations for young people especially. Turning down drugs for instance is showing true discipleship. That is my personal reason for why I agree with the statement because it is hard but it can be done.

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