Teaching About the Kingdom of God in the Parables of Mark's Gospel

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Teaching About the Kingdom of God in the Parables of Mark's Gospel

To answer this question I will study four parables from marks gospel.

The four parables are;

* The sower,

* The seed (growing secretly),

* The lamp,

* The mustard seed

The Sower

In this parable the parable of the sower is a parable of which Jesus

relates to the Kingdom of God as if it were a seed. He says that some

people are like seeds that all fall along the path to which they wont

grow but be taken away by satin. These are the people that chose not

to listen to God. Other seeds are scattered fall on rocky ground,

these are the people who receive the message of God gladly however it

does not sink in deep enough and does not last long. Other seeds fall

in thorn bushes, these are the people who hear the message, but worry

about life, and become suffocated by desire. The other seeds fall in

good soil and these are the people who hear the message and accept it.

Jesus relates us to the soil in which the seed grows however this

parable explains how it might be difficult for different people as it

is a challenge to become good enough soil for the kingdom of god to

grow up and flourish in.

For this to happen you need to be committed and put in 100% effort in

letting go of the worlds values, however Jesus knows that unlike the

soil we as people can grow and mature to one day become good enough

soil to enter the ultimate Kingdom. When reading the parable you

automatically relate yourself to one of the surfaces in which the seed

lands and try to understand how to become good soil.

The seed (growing secretly)

In this parable the grow...

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... this statement

is correct as Jesus did get rid of suffering whilst on Earth, there

are still many that suffer today. Or maybe this can be interpreted

that Jesus did what he could and that as humans had the free will they

chose to sin rather than listen to him so maybe that's why the kingdom

of god is not here and maybe when we sort our selves out the kingdom

of God will truly be on Earth.

To conclude I agree with the statement because some of Jesus teachings

suggest that the kingdom of god is eternal life. My theory is

supported in marks gospel when Jesus says ' I tell you I will never

again drink this wine until the day I drink the new wine in the

kingdom of god'. I think that many people like to think that when they

die they receive eternal life in the kingdom of god and that is why I

agree with the statement.

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