The Importance Of Women For Women

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Week Five Paper
Jesus Cabral
Brandman University

Woman as I can best define this beautiful Gender:
The first woman I met in this world was my mother. She was loving, warm, and nurturing. As I grew up she was supporting, understanding and a counselor in addition to many other attributes and personal sacrifices. I admired this strong character since my father was absent for the most part of my childhood. As a child and later in life my mother was not the only person I knew that was strong, confident and possessed all the qualities that my mother did, that other influential person in my life was my grandmother and later in life my wife of course. Growing up I saw the same characteristics of all women in all of my friends and neighbors’ …show more content…

Not according to the article U.N. For Women, a great percentage of a billion people in the world today are women who live in poverty and under poor conditions in developing countries. The article goes on to point out that “The gender disparities in economic power-sharing are also an important contributing factor to the poverty of women. Migration and consequent changes in family structures have placed additional burdens on women, especially those who provide for several defendants” (2014). It is clear that in every country, women face economic disparities including here in the United States. Unfortunately, even in this great country of ours, women are still paid differently than men. It is not new to most of us, however, it has taken over 40 years of women’s pay to increase by 20% nearing men’s pay. “In 2014, women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 79 percent of what men were paid, a gap of 21 percent? The gap has narrowed since the 1970s (Figure 1), due largely to women’s progress in education and workforce participation and to men’s wages rising at a slower rate. But progress has stalled in recent years, and the pay gap does not appear likely to go away on its own” (Hill,

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