The Importance Of The Transcendence Of Humanity

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There are several attributes used to describe the transcendence of God, such as eternal—having no beginning or end; omnipresent—present everywhere; omnipotent—all powerful; and omniscient—all knowing. However, some theologians add the attributes of God being immutable and impassible, which are sources of debate today within Christianity. God’s immutability means he is unchanging and God’s impassibility means he is incapable of suffering or being affected by anything.1 Furthermore, two theologians, Jürgen Moltmann and Hans Kung have written on this subject in order to define and bring further clarity to God’s immutability and whether or not God is impassible. Moltmann focuses on the suffering of God, and Kung zeros in on the unchangeableness …show more content…

Most people would say no, he cannot change. One might even quote the author of Hebrews by stating, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”8 If Jesus is God, then God is the same forever. However, the big question revolves around the incarnation of Christ. Did God change himself by taking on human flesh? Kung answers this question by emphatically proclaiming, “God in becoming man neither loses anything (becoming man means no loss to God) nor gains anything (becoming man means no gain to God), and anyway that becoming man is something different from the coming to be of man and the world.”9 His point is that the incarnation neither changed God’s character or any of his transcendence. He is unchangeable. In addition, Kung emphasizes that is it God that became flesh, not that flesh became God.10 Similarly, Olson states, “The Great Tradition of Christian thought has affirmed God’s essential immutability such that God’s nature cannot and does not undergo any alteration whatever except in being united with humanity in the incarnation. Even then, the incarnation is said not to have changed God but only to have added to the divine life the human nature of Jesus

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