The False Theories of the Resurection

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The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a incident that we have to take by faith. Many take it and try to explain it away but have difficulty coming up with a theory that is sound enough. The easiest way to deal with Jesus' resurrection is to take it by faith and believe that it really happened.

Many people try to take away what really happened on resurrection morning. Some say that no one knew where Jesus' tomb was. They say that maybe he is still in some unknown tomb. For years it has been thought the Jews buried Jesus with rest of the criminals, in a mass grave. This theory takes no consideration for the fact that there is a historical account. Number one, Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus to his own tomb, so he would have to know where the tomb was. Number two, the Romans would have had to know where the tomb was because they stationed a guard. The tomb could not have been unknown if these people knew about the tomb.1

Another theory states that maybe the women went to the wrong tomb. They might have forgotten in their grief in which tomb Jesus was buried. When they did get to the tomb that they thought Jesus was in, a man told them that they were in the wrong place and showed them where to go. In fear that they had been caught, they fled. This theory is also false. First and foremost, the Bible says that the angel said that he was not in the tomb because he was risen. This theory omits the fact that the angel said that he was risen. Beside omitting this fact, everyone who ever tried to go to the tomb went to the wrong tomb. Also, the one who owned the tomb also had to have went to the wrong tomb, which is absurd. Most people remember where their loved ones are laid to rest. The women going to the wrong tomb is ...

... middle of paper ... Son of God is the transformation of his followers. How many times does a person that is extremely wrong and sinful suddenly change his life style. There is obviously a Saviour out there that transforms lives and keeps them for eternity. No person can suddenly change on their very own. Jesus Christ is truly alive. He is a changer of hearts. He will one day come to claim his own13

Works Cited

Dutko, Bob. “Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.” Top10Proofs. March 14, 2014. Accessed March 14, 2014.

Little, Paul E. Know Why You Believe. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1968.

McDowell, Josh. The Resurrection Factor. San Bernardino: Here's Live Publishers, INC., 1981.

McDowell, Josh. The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999.

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