The Importance Of Success In 'Outliers' By George Gladwell

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According to Gladwell success emerges through a matter of circumstances. In his novel Outliers, Gladwell argues that the 10,000 Hour Rule is an important asset to becoming successful because it allows for the individual to master the skill he or she is trying to succeed in. He states that in order for one to master a certain skill, they must have practiced it for a minimum of 10,000 hours. I agree with Gladwell’s theory in which one becomes successful due to the external variables, like circumstances, opportunities and other factors that contribute to success, and that to be successful you must dedicate at least 10,000 hours to master one’s craft. Outside studies agree with the importance and indispensability of the 10,000 Hour Rule. Gladwell supports his idea of the 10,000 Hour Rule by providing examples of individuals that dedicated this time to their craft and ended up being successful. His first example is Bill Joy. Bill Joy is known for creating Java, a common computer program known world wide. Gladwell provides the amount of time Bill Joy dedicated to his craft in order to become successful. When asked about the time …show more content…

Both Gates and Joy had a love for computers which allowed them to take advantage of any time they were able to be spent working on computers and developing programs. The Beatles are legendary and rock and roll royalty. Their legacy is a perfect example of success. Success that was achieved because they were able to travel to Hamburg, Germany five times and perform each time they went. Pendleton who had a small amount of success by reaching the Olympics the first time, showed determination in returning to win after reaching her 10,000 hours. All four examples show how they were able to acquire the 10,000 hours because they were dedicated to their task and focused all their time on it. This allowed for all four of them to have a greater opportunity to become

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