The Importance Of Student Learning Style

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1. Introduction
1.1 Statement of the Problem
To achieve educational goals, students must rely on many elements such as environment, motivation, and curriculum, etc. Learning styles are one of the factors that have an essential role in the students’ learning process. Each student has different learning style preferences. For example, some students prefer to work in a group, some students prefer to work individually or some students prefer to take notes, listen, or read. Moreover, students are various in terms of grade, age, or gender, etc. If the instruction doesn’t match learning styles of each student, problems and conflicts might occur in learning and this might cause students’ inattention in learning and might lead them to skip the class. …show more content…

For students, they will discover their learning style preferences. It will help them to control their learning process. If they learn with learning style preference and teacher’s teaching style matches their learning style, they will probably pay more attention to materials and lessons. Furthermore, if students’ learning styles match teacher's teaching styles, students will have the better academic achievement and have positive attitudes toward learning. For teachers, they will find general learning style of students in the class, so this can help them organize their teaching style to match student’s learning style. Therefore, they can design class activities and instructional media easily to attract students’ attention. As a result, learners will focus on the lessons more. If that media does not match with students’ learning styles, they will not be interested in learning. For faculty administrators and curriculum producers, it will help them to design and operate the curriculum. The findings of this study will guide them to improve the next curriculum. In addition, this study will increase the awareness of students in learning styles, and awareness of teachers in teaching

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