The Importance Of Social Ministry

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Christology is the study of how Christ works. People are constantly perplexed by Christology when they observe Christians. We don 't always do a good job of representing our savior and need to do outreach through social ministries to show that Christ 's love is alive. When Christians act poorly it is a representation of flesh not of God yet so many people look at how Christians act as if that represents the Christ. Social ministry is ideal for breaking the Christian stereotypes and show people we can do this right. God is our good Shepherd leading us to paths of righteousness as if we were His own child (John 10:11,14). Through darkness, Jesus shines through overshadowing the darkness (John 8:12) and Jesus needs us to shine His light through …show more content…

For the first time in my life I don 't just feel like a disciple of Christ, but how it would feel to be an apostle. Social ministry is what got me saved having my best friend talk to me about Jesus on the car rides home from school which prompted my education at Palm Beach Atlantic University. Social ministry doesn 't just have to be a grand gesture as we have to recognize our own ministries since the Holy Trinity lives in us. I feel like a candle that burns itself out as a willing servant to shine light for everyone who wants to see. It 's not that I 'm not living life, but I was given life and I want to give life to others. Most people I know have a certain kind of people they minister best to and for me it 's not getting people to become Christians, but strengthening the Christian walks of broken down believers. In my own Christian walk I went from being a religious hypocrite to becoming a true disciple but I can get broken down and it means the world when a fellow brother or sister in Christ raises me up again like Jesus would. I feel an even more specific calling to homeless people. I see them all over the country and I always think that could be me. I wonder why I am so blessed to have a home and a family, and what God wants them to learn from being barren of everything. I feel that ministry can be so helpful. Leading homeless people to better lives and reacquainting themselves with Christ in process. People get frustrated when their lives get thrown into the trenches however, a lot of times “that’s where God’s power comes in. God releases an explosion of His power to give you a miracle if you need one, if you believe He’s a miracle worker (Hayes 115).” People think just because things aren 't going according to their own plans that God must not be there and I feel called to confront that. Just because we don 't always see the sun shining behind the clouds doesn 't mean that it is not there

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