The Importance Of Sleep

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“Sleep”, I thought this was just an action that took place at random times as you got more tired and then just fell asleep and lost all time. Not anymore, Sleep in not just a random thing, it is a set thing. It is controlled by your inner “clock” also called your circadian rhythm(it also controls temperature, but mostly wakefulness). Not only is sleep a set event, but, it is also a needed thing ; it helps us to remember , and it repairs our mind and body.
Now when it comes to my sleep patterns, some may say I am a typical teenager ; I stay up late and sleep after school . Although if you consider my total sleep as a total of my naps and sleep combined, I get about eight to nine hours of sleep per day. Therefore for my age I am technically getting the right amount of sleep that is required (but only if you combine them). Although for me this is not nearly enough sleep, if I could I would sleep all the time, every minute , and every moment . This could be due to a sleep deficit I may have built up over my many years of staying up till 1:00 am and they getting up at 6:00 am. This deficit could cause me to sleep more than usual to make up for lost sleep. According to my sleep journal I have a very vivid pattern in my sleep; I usually stay up until about 12:00 am then I would usually wake up at around 6:20 am. Along …show more content…

This is entirely possible because even as a child I would not be able to sleep until two or three o 'clock in the morning. When you combine those bedtimes, and always waking up for school, it is obvious as to why I would have built up a sleep deficit. Many may argue that me sleeping in the day could also be the cause of my going to bed later, and then continuing the pattern over and over. They may just be right, but to me my sleep patterns suggest that while I try to sleep off my deficit it just keeps on building and building because of my constant lack of sleep and nothing

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