The Importance Of Rene Descartes's Approach To Knowledge

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Rene Descartes is believed to be the father of modern philosophy. His significant contributions lead to mathematics and physics. Rene Descartes was born in 1596 and he died in 1650. It is believed that Descartes came with the philosophical theory of knowledge (epistemology). problem statement This paper will investigate significance of Descartes’ approach to knowledge especially as one of the main historical starting points of the modern world view. This paper will investigate Descartes’s approach to knowledge and it importance by first looking at the following questions:
 What is epistemology?
 Who is Rene Descartes?
 What is he known for?
 What did he do?
 What is his contribution in the modern world view?

What is epistemology

Epistemology is the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion (Wordweb).
Epistemology is the investigation into the nature of knowledge …show more content…

Rene Descartes’s meditations on fist philosophy is still viewed as the standard text most university philosophy department. This is evidence of Descartes’s contribution to the modern world view especially when looking at his influence in mathematics. This justifies the fact that he was called the father of analytical geometry, the bridge between algebra and geometry (Internet encyclopaedia of philosophy, 1995). It is evident even today that most of the books in philosophy seem to be a response to most of his writings.

Therefore, to have looked at the life of Rene Descartes and discussed the questions: who he is?, what is he known for?, what did he do?, what is his contribution in the modern world view? We were able to see and reflect on how he contributed into the philosophical world. We also were able to note how he used certainty and doubting in coming up with how to acquire true

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