The Importance Of Radiation Belts

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1) How does Radiation affect communication between the spacecraft and mission control?

To answer this question we must first ask what space radiation is. Space radiation is energy that flows through space. This flow of energy can be in the form of waves such as light from the sun or in the form of particles such as electrons, protons and elements in the Periodic table. A form of electromagnetic energy includes sunlight and has a high amount of radiation which is produced by a sun. Electromagnetic radiation includes gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation (or heat), microwaves and radio waves. Since the USS NOSSTROMO is taking off from earth, radiation belts also have to be put into consideration. Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field. The magnetic filed is like the filed you see around a bar magnet when you use iron fillings to make it stand out better. Earths magnetic field protects us from space radiation such as solar flares from the sun and galactic cosmic rays by deflecting many of the particles before they reach us. This field also traps charged particles within it like an invisible magnetic prison. The trapped particles form a donut shaped cloud with the earth at the centre. This is because the particles are so numerous and they stretch thousands of miles above the Earths surface at the equator. Scientist call these radiation belts "van Allen Radiation Belts" as they were discovered by Dr. James van Allen using one of the first satellites launched by NASA in 1958. The radiation in the these belts mainly consist of electrons and protons. Radiation affects the interior of satellites which inturn affects satellite communications in space. Because titan is 1,666,681,075 km....

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...include a high amount of power usage. Analog technology is cheap and easy to create and come by. Because this information is being sent through space, the distance between Earth or the way station needs to be brought into account. An analogue signal travels as fast as its conductor. This is called electromagnetic interference or EMI or Radio Frequency interference. Electromagnetic interference is a disturbance that affects an electrical circuit due to either electromagnetic induction or electromagnetic radiation emitted from an external source. This disturbance will affect the spacecraft and even the rover or mobile base. This could then create problems on the field and in the spacecraft. The ship could go out of control and tumble through space forever or the ship, rover or mobile base may stop working completely and the team would be stranded on titan or space.

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