The Importance Of Pollution

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What is pollution? Pollution is a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects. The importance of the study of pollution is to inform readers on the effects and how it can hurt your health. According to Peeples, “Air has gotten cleaner in recent years. But more than half of people in the U.S. still breathe dirty air enough to to cause health problems.” Most people who go outside expect to breathe in clean fresh air, but that’s not always the case if you live in urban areas because those places have many cars, trucks, buses, planes, and even factories that give off pollution into the air more than rural areas. Even though big cities are trying their best to help the environment lower the amount of pollution, there are still lingering amounts of pollution in the air that is breathed. What has been done to help the air has improved it because the air is getting cleaner from then all the way to now. Although if you live in more of a rural area there may not be a huge amount of pollution coming into the air because of less traffic, more open land, …show more content…

What they don’t know is that life can be non-existent if the world isn’t kept properly. Many Americans don’t understand the harmful effects that pollution can do to an individual 's health. Clean air does save lives especially the ones who already have breathing problems like asthma. People with asthma already have troubles with breathing, so there shouldn’t be any more problems added to individuals with asthma. After all air pollution can be a deadly thing and it shouldn’t be something that is such a big problem. Pollution has gone on for years and years and needs to be stopped. If Americans would do one simple thing to help U.S. air pollution this world would be a much better

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