The Importance Of Photography As A Fine Art

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Unfortunately, photography’s inclusion as a division of fine art has been a topic of debate online. There are many reasons why others believe that it should not be categorized as fine art. Photographers were branded as mere machine operators and computer editors. Claims such as photography does not require skills, taking a great photo is a matter of luck, anybody can do it and it does not require critical thinking skills dominates the discussion.
But if considerations were given to the mastery use of the camera, and the ability to manipulate a subject through the use of a computer, it uses a great deal of critical thinking. Subject composition, lighting, sharpness and tonal range are necessary to the workflow of photography. Just like painting, it takes a great amount of discipline and patience to be involved in photography. Painting involves as much work as photography because it involves all senses. Both division of art requires dedication, depth and capturing the emotion involved in the subject.
One important aspect of photography that I enjoy most is creativity. The ability to ...

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