The Importance Of My Life

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It is a well known fact that one decision can change a life and that is exactly what happened to me. I chose to be a hardworking student, take multiple dual credit classes, and try to advance myself as much as possible. I never thought that all my hard work would come back on me and ruin my plan. I will be graduating with 33 college credit hours and an EMT license which for a normal student that would be great. My plan of two years came crashing down last week, my dream of going to a six year medical program was denied. The criteria that I have and the criteria that the school emplaced did not match up. I had to many college credit hours for the fast track program which denied my access into my dream program. After receiving the heartbreaking email, I really began to think about my life. At first I was angry at myself for taking too many college classes, but then I began to see that it may have been the best thing to ever happen to me. Everyone says that a plan changes multiple times before actually being set. Most high schoolers you talk to will say that their career occupation idea has changed many times and are still unsure. I was never that person though, I had my idea set and knew exactly how I wanted to achieve it. I never …show more content…

When I would talk to people about my underlying want they would always disregard it and say stick your original plan. As a junior it what mandatory to take the ASVAB, I tried somewhat on the test, not my best but I tried some, the scores came back and somehow I scored a 70. This score made me question myself even more about my military options, but I disregarded it after a while. This last week though showed me that maybe I should follow my true dream. Though this dream was not and is not fully complete at the moment, I have a new plan that I hope it makes me

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