The Importance Of Microbes

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In this world, there are very tiny creatures that millions of them can fit into the eye of a needle. It is known as microbes, which cannot be seen with naked eyes. They are believed to be the oldest form of life on earth as microbe fossils age more than 3.5 billion years back when the boiled ocean covered the earth and it was before the dinosaurs roaming the planet. [5] We couldn’t breathe or eat without microbes but they would probably be just fine without us. Microbes can be found everywhere. There are more of them in a person’s mouth than the number of people in the entire planet. There are abundant of them in the air we breathe, in the food we eat, on the ground we walk on, and they are even growing inside us! Food could not be digested, …show more content…

[2] It is known as normal microbial flora. Understanding about normal microbial flora of human body, their roles and pathogenicity is very important to create healthy precautions to avoid any infectious diseases caused by them. In a healthy human body, it is estimated that there are about 10 trillion cells including nerve cells, epithelial cells, muscle cells and etc. and the number of normal microbial flora is 10 times more than the human cells. [2] An unborn baby has no microbes in it body. [2] It is exposed to microflora during delivery and after delivery directs from its mother, air, food and everything that has a contact with the baby. [2][3][4] Both beneficial and pathogenic microbes reside on the baby skin, at all body openings, the genitourinary tract and on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. [2] Their condition which is warm and moist gives an excellent condition for the microbes to grow. [2] However, it is not easy for the microbes to live in a human body as they have to defeat the human defence mechanisms and they also have to adapt to a very suitable condition to obtain nutrients in order to grow and reproduce. [6] Due to some limitations, most of them generally exhibit tropism, whereby different species will be living in their different preferable sites in human body.

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